When you think of endangered species the vision of Bald Eagles and Lions come to mind, but rarely do we think of turtles. The coastlines of New York and New Jersey are home to several species of endangered Sea Turtles. The Green Sea Turtle is found on the eastern side of Long Island, the Loggerhead Sea Turtle is seen most often in the ocean off of New York and New Jersey, The Leatherback Sea Turtle travels the furthest north of all the species so into Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts too and one recently in the news for dropping her eggs on West Beach at the tip of the Rockaway Peninsula is the Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle; you can read that story here.
Without human intervention these wonderful and endangered sea creatures will become extinct. So how can you help? If you live within sight of a beach on the sound or ocean change out your lights to ones that are “Turtle Friendly.” We found the white paper from New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection very helpful in understanding the plight of the Sea Turtle and other endangered marine wildlife.
We were excited to see that Access Lighting has produced a series of Certified Turtle friendly lighting. The Fish and Wildlife Commission requires that lights must meet the requirements of “low, long and shielded” to consider Turtle friendly. Access Lighting has taken these requirements into consideration when designing the Poseidon wall light.
With a 70lm output and an amber color tone the light emitted, this fixture has obtained a certification by Fish and Wildlife! The Poseidon is available in three finishes to compliment any building or property.

Baby Turtles use the moon’s natural light as a guide that leads them to the ocean, they naturally follow the moon. When there are LED lights on a home, commercial building or in a parking lot, the white light attracts these endangered babies to go in the wrong direction.
The Poseidon Family of Fixtures Assures That Won’t Happen.
Other Tips to Create a Turtle Friendly Environment:
- Turn off unnecessary lights and limit decorative lighting.
- Shield the light source from the beach.
- Install motion detectors on exterior lighting.
- Create natural and man made light blocks.
- Limit interior lighting spill over by installing shades over windows.
The team at EZS has the skill and information needed to have the proper illumination and be friendly to these endangered sea creatures.