908-722-9980 | 17 South Main Street Suite 3 Manville, NJ 08835
When lighting your whole home effectively, you can’t use one or two blisteringly bright lights.  Using a kitchen as an example, many installations have one centered ceiling fixture that is as bright as a SpaceX launch, this is way too intense to be a comfortable light source. With the wide range of fixtures options available from Acuity and others, recessed lighting is the first layer to consider.
Back in the days of Edison and Tesla a central burning orb was fine, but now with the technical advancements in LED we can maximize the use of each layer, ambient, task, and accent lighting. Using the same kelvin temperature, but lower lumen lamps in each application we even out the light distribution.

There are times that getting into the ceiling of an existing home in New York or New Jersey is not an option and the staff at EZS have a great work around this problem by using the SATCO LED Blink flat panel fixture. The applications for this LED luminaire are endless.

Of course the next layer has to do with task lighting and KICHLER Lighting has it covered with a vast selection of under cabinet lights in many finishes and color temperatures that will fill the requirements for any job.

Any room that is designed to be illuminated this way will decrease the severe shadowing and harsh glare of over “lighting the space.”

One fashionable way to get more general or fill lighting is from a hanging fixture and this shaded light from AFX STONEGATE and designed by Vern Yip from Trading Spaces adds beauty and light. There is more here about Vern Yip & STONEGATE

The step that completes every proper lighting design is control of the light. With the proper dimming devices, the appearance of every room can be adjusted to compliment and balance the available natural light and also to set the mood of the space. Now the room is under control.

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